The Dangers of Near-Future Science Fiction

I first wrote Rats in the Capital in 2014-2015. That was the first draft, anyway. More drafts followed, but the story was notable because it was a very British novel set in the present day. There wasn’t any problem with that (or, at least, not so I thought). But then, in 2016, Brexit happened. And …

The Year in Review: 2023 Wrapped

How to sum up this year? Well, fiction-writing-wise, it’s been a real train-wreck. Despite being determined to do the opposite, I published zero fiction and wrote very little in my Word files. No doubt, such news would have frustrated the 2022-me intensely. But the truth is it’s not all bad. I’ve learned a lot over …

AI Fiction and the New Dawn for Writers

It’s been hard to escape the feeling recently that robots are coming. Not as an army of efficient terminators controlled by a super-sentient hive mind, perhaps. But certainly as an army of bots, capable of producing works of art in less than a minute. With creative writing, there’s ChaptGPT from Open AI, alongside Google’s soon-to-be-released …