Can Pareto Principle Help Authors Get Better Results?

When you write in the small gaps around your day job, you must use yout time wisely. But that’s easier said than done when there are so many stories to write (and edit) and countless more ways to market yourself online. Business coaches often cite the 80/20 rule – also known as Pareto Principle – …

Writing Update: When Is the Novel Finished?

Work on the third draft of my novel finished late last night. Cue wild scenes of debauchery, which I’m afraid means nothing more than a spicy mug of hot chocolate these days. Does that mean the thing is ready to read, though? Or at least done enough so I can go and work on something …

Create a Blog: Five Reasons Why for Authors

Countless posts and books will detail Musk’s Twitter takeover. Or takedown, whatever the case may be. But for now, the biggest takeaway for me is this. Authors (and anyone who creates) need to own at least one method of communicating with the world about what they do. Most marketers will tell you that sending a …

The Year in Review: 2022 Wrapped

It’s that time of year again. You’re stressing about the cost of presents and double-checking there’s enough booze in the fridge. Meanwhile, wild horses are trying to drag you to the sofa to watch another Christmas special featuring James Corden. So you take the only reasonable option: open your laptop and claim you have something …