The Dangers of Near-Future Science Fiction

I first wrote Rats in the Capital in 2014-2015. That was the first draft, anyway. More drafts followed, but the story was notable because it was a very British novel set in the present day. There wasn’t any problem with that (or, at least, not so I thought). But then, in 2016, Brexit happened. And …

A Question of Faith

As a Christian and an author, people naturally wonder if one thing informs the other. As in, ‘Are you like a modern-day C.S. Lewis or Tolkien or something, only not as good?’ Ahem. Well, that’s not how I’d market myself exactly. I don’t smoke pipeweed for a start. Still, on reflection, I’d probably go with something …

Will Mason Is Now On SubStack

After nearly two decades of writing fiction, a few things are clear. One of those is I’m quite bad at social media. Blogging and email feel like better alternatives, but I feel most at home locked away writing fiction. It’s cool. I’m at peace with this setup, but it does make the act of self-promotion …

The Year in Review: 2023 Wrapped

How to sum up this year? Well, fiction-writing-wise, it’s been a real train-wreck. Despite being determined to do the opposite, I published zero fiction and wrote very little in my Word files. No doubt, such news would have frustrated the 2022-me intensely. But the truth is it’s not all bad. I’ve learned a lot over …

Review of The Magus by John Fowles

You know when you run out of books to read? Well, that was me about a month ago. But then I remembered ‘The Magus’ by John Fowles. My mate raved about it during our A-levels, and even though that was 25 years ago, memories of his enthusiasm were still fresh in my mind. At a …

The Software Website That Never Ends

I forgot to mention something in my last post. In case you missed it, the main gist was that all fiction writing has stopped for the time being. But in my excitement at explaining the mammoth business-writing project underway, I forgot to mention the gargantuan website-writing task that is happening simultaneously at work. So, two …

Finding Time To Write When There Is None

Last month I wrote a post about how authors can prioritise according to the Pareto Principle to increase their chances of success. You can find the post here, but TLDR, with so many demands on attention, authors must be brutal in terms of how they prioritise their time. If writing is the top priority, we …