As a Christian and an author, people naturally wonder if one thing informs the other. As in, ‘Are you like a modern-day C.S. Lewis or Tolkien or something, only not as good?’

Ahem. Well, that’s not how I’d market myself exactly. I don’t smoke pipeweed for a start. Still, on reflection, I’d probably go with something more like this: 

Not every story I write is about God. But God comes first in everything I do, including telling stories.

Most of the time, my stories don’t teach Bible doctrine. They’re stories, so in that sense, I try to make them true to themselves. Even so, as an author, my relationship with God guides what I write. My art reflects my faith, and my faith will only deepen and evolve as I sprout more grey hairs and annoy my grandchildren.

It might only be noticeable in some cases. Other times, signs of this relationship could feel bold and overstated. But it will always be there in one form or another, guiding the overall shape of things—just in case anyone asks.

So, put that in your pipe and smoke it (sorry).

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