After nearly two decades of writing fiction, a few things are clear. One of those is I’m quite bad at social media. Blogging and email feel like better alternatives, but I feel most at home locked away writing fiction.

It’s cool. I’m at peace with this setup, but it does make the act of self-promotion harder. For me, it feels weird trying to be authentic when giant, invisible algorithms stalk the background and monitor my interactions. Even the frequency with which I post.

To put it simply, I nearly always overthink it.

‘Pick the platform you feel most comfortable with,’ they say. And that makes me wonder which platform suits me best. After much thought, I would leave it at blogging and ghosting about on Twitter (sorry, X). But then I spent some time on Substack.

Here’s the link to my profile. Creating an online publication has always intrigued me, and now feels like a good time to try. To that end, Beyond Colussus is the name of my own Substack, where I’ll post shorts, notes, and bits of microfiction.

Time will tell if Substack is my place, but the potential is exciting. Alternatively – if you don’t have Substack – I’ll continue to ghost in and out of Threads.

Just don’t expect any jokes. Oh, and always message me here if you want to be sure I see your message.

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