How to sum up this year? Well, fiction-writing-wise, it’s been a real train-wreck. Despite being determined to do the opposite, I published zero fiction and wrote very little in my Word files.

No doubt, such news would have frustrated the 2022-me intensely. But the truth is it’s not all bad. I’ve learned a lot over the last twelve months, and there’s a good reason why I’ve done the literary equivalent of a bird flapping about with one wing.

The year started steadily enough. Work, fiction, blogging, repeat. But around spring, I got distracted by an idea for one of those infamous side hustles. Then, work got incredibly busy with the pressing launch of a three-hundred-page website. Throw in various health scares involving me and my family – not to mention other dramas – and, well, my creative juices dried up completely.

It was a mad summer. Ultimately, the website launched in September, but the side hustle died around mid-October. And after that, well, I experienced something close to a full-on burnout. Looking back on November, it was pretty grim. The business idea was worth a try – such as it was – but I learned that fiction is my side hustle. (We should get this printed on a T-shirt). No ifs, no buts. If nothing else, I must write to stay sane and preserve my mental health.

So, that’s the primary focus now (as it always should have been). Besides working and family, any spare minute is reserved for creative writing. If other people love it, great. If not, well, it’s still been fun, and it means I can say to God that I used His talents wisely.

There’s more to say, but that’ll do for now. After a heavy year, my family and I are in a good place, and I’m optimistic for 2024 as I write more and build up my audience. Of course, this was my aim for last year, too, so here’s hoping I don’t spend another year going full circle. We shall see. Until then, I hope you have a blessed Christmas and a happy 2024.

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