As my recent post laboured to explain, flash science fiction is a great way to read online. In a whirlwind of apps and content, we’re clearly information-rich. Yet it’s clear that time and attention are increasingly hard to spare. Perhaps naturally then, flash science fiction feels like an excellent alternative for genre fans who want to consume and create but who are genuinely hard-pressed to find the time.

That said, finding a decent vendor of stories isn’t always easy and, in some cases, can take longer than reading a story in the first place. This issue of accessibility is why I thought I’d compile a small but descriptive list detailing the best flash science fiction sites online in 2023. Of course, this list isn’t definitive (and there’s a horror one to come), so please let me know if I’ve missed any hidden gems. And feel free to copy and share.

Flash science fiction sites in 2023

Flash Fiction Online

Publishing a mix of SFF, horror, and literary fiction, Flash Fiction Online is a free online magazine that pays its authors professional rates. Each issue features three new stories from established and emerging authors, all clocking in between 500 and 1,000 words. In addition, each downloadable PDF includes a column and editorial, and you can support the e-zine through Patreon. Still, the editors have taken the generous step of making all the stories on their website available for free.

Daily Science Fiction

The original flash science fiction specialists, Daily Science Fiction has been publishing for as long as I can remember. Commendably, they also publish every day and have featured heavyweights such as Lavie Tidhar in the past. One day, the main story will be classified as high fantasy; the next, the tale will fit within SF’s many sub-genres. Given the frequency of their publications, Daily are always open to submissions, and they accept stories of between 100 and 1,500 words in length.


Tor publish high-quality SFF material in the form of novels and short stories. However, they also devote a section of their website to stories tagged as flash fiction. Together with their regular shorts, you can read them all on their site for free. At the time of writing, they don’t appear open to any submissions from readers, but that may well change in time.

365 Tomorrows

As the name suggests, 365 are hardcore and, like Daily, publish flash science fiction every day of the year. Interestingly, their required word count is tighter, running to a strict 600 words. Also, you can see the stories published in the days and weeks before. Plus, the most popular stories are available as audio with actors reading them aloud.

Flashpoint SF

This flash publication publishes new stories every fortnight, between 100 and 1,000 words. Of course, science fiction has many sub-genres, so the Flashpoint SF has classified all of its tales accordingly. They cater for all tastes, from bizarro fiction to stories about time travel. The editors also list popular stories under a sub-heading on the right, so it’s easy to keep looking around.


Known for publishing award-winning short stories, Lightspeed concentrates on fantasy and science fiction. Like Tor, however, their site also has a flash section for stories under 1,500 words. And in good news for writers, Lightspeed is open to submissions, meaning they can share their stories with the magazine’s wide readership.

So there we have it. Any sites I’ve missed? If so, please shout and let me know.

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